Tuesday, 24 April 2012


"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. "
—Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry

Hilang atau Menghilang????!!

Isk isk isk...lame betul rasanye tak update blog ni haa...
hampir 2 bulan ade kotttt....:)
hilang ke atau menghilang???
hurm...hilang bukan...menghilang pun bukan..
aku ade je sebenarnye..
bukan ape..sibuk memanjang..takde yang memendek nye pun...
sibuk keje satu hal..sibuk serabut kepala satu hal..
hurm...tak baik sebenarnye mengeluh kesah ni..tapi tu la kan...
tak tau nk cakap ape la..

Since last month lagi aku dah tension2 ni haa...
EBS tau la nape...infact EBS pun dah naik risau pasal aku...
takpe sayang...takde ape yang perlu dirisaukan..
thanks for concern..:) really appreciate it sayang!!!

Friday, 17 February 2012


"Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time, to figure out whether you like it or not."
—Virgil Garnett Thomson

Thursday, 16 February 2012


" I hear: I forget
          I see: I remember 

            I do: I understand "

—Chinese Proverb

HappY BirThdAy Bella SayanG

Today is my daughter's birthday!!!hurmmm...yang ke 9 tahun!!!
Happy Birthday Sayang...
Nanti Auntie n Ayah Celeb Birthday Bella tau...

Mase dalam KTM nak balik kampung

Gambar ni di amik and diedit terus dari fon

Same goes to this picture..edit terus dari fon...

Da besar kan anak daraku...:) nanti weekend kite celebrate ye sayang...minta hadiah kat ayah tau...:)

TemBikai PutiH

Semalam, tanggal 15.02.2012 EBS ade mention kat aku yang dia nak pegi repair motor...Aku okey je and aku ade je kat ofis tunggu EBS update new news kat aku...Lebih kurang jam 4.01pm aku dapat sms dari EBS...

EBS   :   Syg..pa bru smpi umah ni..td semua kena RM220 syg...
Aku   :   Hah?npe mahal sgt syg?td kan RM150, ney dorg tukar ape lg syg?
EBS   :   Bearing 4 biji
Aku   :  Owh..moto da rase baru tp nmpk lame sbb rim biase la kan syg?
EBS  : Bearing 4 biji..break lining..tubeless head..sport rim dan last skali helmet syg...syg xperlu pakai tembikai putih lg daaaa.....

Usai membaca ayat terakhir dari sms EBS ku itu, terus pecah tawa aku...gelak tak cover2 lagi da...aduh...baru aku dapat tangkap ape itu TEMBIKAI PUTIH...nak tau ape tu tembikai putih yg EBS maksudkan?hehe...Tembikai Putih = HELMET!!!

Hahahahahahahaha....kelakar sungguh...sebenarnye aku yg bagi gelaran tembikai tu kat helmet yg aku pakai...sebabnya helmet aku tu dah takde wizer, dah tertanggal wizernye..jadi kalau EBS amik aku naik moto, aku selalu cakap aku pakai tembikai..bulat betul muka aku kalau tengok bias/bayang aku dari belakang helmet EBS time dia tgh bawak moto and aku dok kat belakang...hehehe...kebetulan helmet tu kaler putih...sebab tu EBS cakap tembikai putih..hehehehe...

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


"Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

wOw...iT's mY FiRsT tiMe bLoggiNg!!!

Hye aLLs....
anyway this is really my 1st time blogging...:)
i'm very excited to start sharing with u guys...
plz drop by and pen down all ur comments and plz do encourage me to keep on writing yeah....:)
but 1st step is...urghh..let's take a rest first...coz now its LUNCH TIME!!!